A to Z: Letter U

Whenever I read the story of Esther, I often wish I knew more about her. She seemed like such an unlikely pick, but yet was the perfect fit for God's plan for His people. 

It's easy to look at our lives and ask if we are in the right place at the right time (or maybe that's just me--ha!), but the Bible is pretty clear that God has made us unique and for a purpose.


What a precious truth to teach our children and to remind ourselves. As you work through this simple lesson with your little one(s), I challenge you to share with them the ways they are uniquely made. Look them in the eye and tell them all those sweet things you see in them. And wonder at the fact that God knows and created all those incredible details in them (and knows them even more intimately than we do). 

This lesson truly is one of the simplest, but it is also such an encouraging and important one. 

Have a good one!
