From A to Z: Letter F
/There are many stories in the Bible that are just a little weird: a burning bush, a big ark full of animals, and a guy being swallowed by a big fish. As strange as some of these stories are, they always have something important to tell us about God. Mainly, they remind us that God is God. And His ways usually don't look like our ways.
Letter F is about Following God's ways--not because we should follow the rules but because God knows what's best and we can trust Him.
Ps. Make your own Jonah peg doll to act out the story. Ours might have gotten a bit dramatic ;)
The letter F pack includes a simple science experiment (we had a "blast!"), learning about Jonah and the big Fish, and playing Simon Says.
Here are some other resources you may enjoy (ps. some of these are affiliate links):
- Read 1000 Things Under the Sea--we've had this book for a while and LOVE it! So many cool sea creatures!
- Pick up One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish from the library--so fun!
- If making peg dolls isn't your thing this Jonah play mat or Bible Story in a Bag are both adorable options!
Have a good one!