Introducing the Newest Product Tester
/Hello friends!
I wanted to pop in to share with you that we welcomed our 3rd son, Connor Michael, on November 12th. He arrived at 11:56 pm and weighed in at 9lb 11oz!
Photo taken by my talented sister and owner of JD Photos
The last two weeks have been so sweet—full of lots of baby snuggles, family, cozy days, and adjusting to being a family of 5. Connor’s such a content and calm (usually!) baby, and we look forward to getting to know his little personality.
Photo taken by my talented sister and owner of JD Photos
Although it’s definitely a big change to have another little guy in the house, I’m so thankful that our transition so far has been (mostly) peaceful. Maybe it’s helping that I’m not tallying how many hours I’ve slept (or not slept-ha!) and making space for rest and less structured days.
Photo taken by my talented sister and owner of JD Photos
I am enjoying the breather from creating (although the nighttime feedings often give me lots of time to brainstorm new ideas), but I also look forward to getting back to sharing more and creating more when I feel ready and rested (if that’s possible with a newborn?)
In the meantime, be sure to visit the shop for some Christmas inspiration or peek at the free resources page for some free Christmas printables too.
Have a good one!