The Light of the World: A Free Christmas Mini-Lesson

Every year, we pack our kids in the car, grab some hot cocoa for the road, and drive around town and see the Christmas lights. There’s always something so magical and exciting about seeing the darkness lit up with twinkling lights, cool Christmas displays, and, of course, a number of inflatable Santa Clauses along the way.

As we drive, it always reminds me of how Jesus is the light of the world. He came to shine bright in a dark world and bring us out of the darkness of sin into His glorious light. What a gift! Especially as we have just finished reading through John, focusing on Jesus as the Light of the world seems especially fitting this year. So, I thought it would be fun to create a super simple resource to use as you reflect on Jesus during this season.

I know that there are thousands Christmas resources to use with your kids—and I don’t want to add to the overwhelm or give you one.more.thing to do. But, if you are looking for a simple afternoon (or two) Bible-focused learning activity, this might be something to download and print.

Inside the lesson, you’ll find instructions for making fire starters, a few copy work and letter pages, a cutting activity, and instructions for a fun game. I would say it’s geared for ages 3 + (since it has activities for little and big ones too).

I hope that you enjoy this little gift + (more importantly) enjoy spending time with your little ones teaching them and reflecting on the gift of Jesus during this season.

Have a lovely (and merry!) day!
