From A to Z: Letter S

ps. My printer is under the weather (or just being stubborn!), so I couldn't print out the other materials in this pack to share. So, take a peek at the download to see how cute letter S is ;)

ps. My printer is under the weather (or just being stubborn!), so I couldn't print out the other materials in this pack to share. So, take a peek at the download to see how cute letter S is ;)

If there is a Bible passage that is familiar to many people (Christians and non-christians alike), it's Psalm 23. 

"The Lord is my Shepherd..."

I bet many of you could recite it right now. 

Even though I've heard or read that passage probably over 100 times, it's one of those passages that always speaks to my heart.

I have a Shepherd. He knows everything I need. He leads me. He comforts me. What a sweet, sweet truth! Letter S is about teaching our kiddos that God is our Shepherd. 

This lesson is simple, but so important. Make sure you have some cotton balls on hand because you'll definitely need them for this lesson ;) We enjoyed making our cute handprint sheep (I even got messy and made one!) and it will be fun to look back and see their little handprints (and what a reminder to me as a momma that my little ones are also in the Shepherd's hands). 

I hope that you and your family are encouraged as you do this lesson + remember the wonderful truth that God loves you, cares for you, and leads you :) 

Have a good one!


From A to Z: Letter R

Letter R: Color and Kindness

Perhaps one of the well-known stories in the Bible is the story of the Moses and the Red Sea crossing. I've heard it so many times that it seems a little "normal."

Yep. Just a huge group of people standing in front of a gigantic body of water and a huge army at their heels. Then, God parts the sea, the people walk through it, and they are rescued from the Egyptians. 

When you really think about this story, it is astounding and miraculous. The Israelites had no hope--they were truly in a lose-lose situation. But God. He rescued them--in a way that could only point to Him. 

Maybe you've had moments like that in your life--you were in a hopeless or sticky place. But God. God provided a way out that only He could provide. The best example of this in all of our lives is that we were hopelessly separated by God because of sin. But God provided a way out through Jesus (the greatest Rescuer of all time). Isn't that the best news?!


The letter R is for God is our Rescuer.  This is such a sweet truth to teach our children (and remind ourselves). He is the superhero of all superheros :) 

This lesson focuses on the story of the Israelites escape from Egypt and kids might get a little messy with some water and wind sensory play. My favorite is teaching them the song "Pharaoh, Pharaoh"--actions included (anyone else remember singing that at Bible camp?)

Ps. Another fun thing to do this week could be to talk about the Passover and make unleavened bread or do an entire seder passover meal (that's family-friendly)

Have a good one friends!





From A to Z: Letter Q


So, I may be a little bias, but I *think* that letter Q may be my favorite letter yet. 

Maybe it's because the lesson involves making cookie "donuts" and because we get share the amazing truth that God's love for us never quits.

As we decorated cookies and made a gigantic mess with sprinkles (I'm still on the fence about whether baking with the kids is actually fun or not. Ha!), we read about the prodigal son. Unfortunately, between the finger licking and sprinkle dousing, there wasn't a lot of story retention, so we'll probably be reviewing the story again ;) 

So, you may be thinking--what do donut cookies, the letter Q, and the prodigal son have anything to do with one another?

letter Q donut cookies

Well, I'll tell you! The donut is a never-ending shape--it keeps going around and around and around. It's a good visual for explaining that God's love for us has no end--He loves us no matter what and we can't do anything to make Him stop loving us. 

Maybe you're not friends with your mixer--you could also make apple slices into donut shapes, use bagels, or just grab some donuts at the store. 

I hope that you enjoy learning about letter Q as much as we did. Remember, if you do the lesson, be sure to tag #colorandkindness so we can see what you're up too!

Have a good one friends!


Color and Kindness Alphabet cards

ps. the Alphabet Bible Truth cards are now in the shop if you want an easy-to-print set (or grab a printed set) to go along with this series. They are the perfect size for little hands or for hanging up :)


From A to Z: Letter P

Letter P Color and Kindness

When my first-born was a tiny babe, I spent countless hours nursing him in the middle of the night--sitting on a soft, vintage rocker and feeling like I was the only one awake in the universe. Maybe you've been there too? 

These moments were the moments that I whispered prayers over my new sweet boy--it felt sacred and sweet to talk to God about my son. Although I was exhausted, I often looked forward to those nightly feedings because it felt like such an intimate time between me and God.

Prayer is perhaps one of the first spiritual things you teach or model to your child--you may pray with them at night, at the dinner table, or after a moment of discipline. When you hear your little one say a prayer for the first time, it melts your heart into a puddle of joy. 

Prayer really is such a gift that God gives us--and what a gift it is to teach our kids that God listens to our prayers and wants to talk with us! 

Letter P's Bible truth is we can talk to God with prayer.

This lesson is very simple and low-key. You get to read about how Jesus taught others to pray and make an easy paper prayer chain. We are looking forward to using ours at bedtime or mealtime as a visual reminder to pray and give thanks.

Have a good one!





From A to Z: Letter O


I had it all planned out. A peaceful painting session with sparkly yellow paint, busy little hands, reading the story of Abraham out of our Bible storybook, and pretty music in the background. Only, it was more like:

"Stop putting paint in your brother's hair"

"Sit down and finish your stars"

"You don't need any more colors. We are using yellow"

"Stop trying to sit in the same seat as your brother"

There were a lot of directions, but not a lot of listening. We finished our painting session with me feeling exasperated for trying to teach them that O is for Obedience is Best when they had disobeyed me repeatedly. 

letter o

I'm guessing I'm not the only momma who would raise her hand if someone asked if shepherding obedience in little hearts was challenging. Right? 

Something I want to teach my kids is that obedience not just doing something because someone told them so. When you look at the Bible characters who did (or did not) obey God--you see a trend. Obeying God brings good things and disobeying God brings not-so-good consequences. I hope to teach my boys that I am asking them to obedient because I want the best for them (aka: I want them to stop running into the street so they don't get smacked by a car). Or I want the best for someone else (aka: I want them to stop hitting their sibling so their sibling stops getting hurt). Of course, we are still working on the basics around here (I feel like it's a minute-by-minute part of parenting. Ha!). And I have a feeling that there won't be a day that my children are suddenly obedient 100% of the time. It's just a feeling ;) 

star and stick mobile

Hopefully as you do your star and stick craft and read the story of Abraham, little hearts will hear that being obedient is not a chore--it's a way to love God and love others. Not only that, but being obedient is for our best and the best of others too. 

Have a good one!
