Love Your Neighbor: Make a Paper House Town

It's time to share another resource retired from the shop. We've actually done this activity a few times because the boys really enjoy it--I love that they get out some creative energy and I can recycle boxes in a fun way ;) Plus, once their paper houses are finished, they can play cars and people in their little town. If you've got a large cardboard box or large paper laying around, you could also draw some streets, railroad tracks, parks, etc. 

paper house illustrations

I originally created this activity as a tool to talk with your kids about loving their neighbor. While you are making your paper neighborhood, ask your kids about how they can love their neighbor--next door and beyond. You never know--you may be bringing cookies to that sweet widow down the street later that afternoon ;) 

paper house illustrations

A few tips:

  • Open up cereal/snack boxes and make the inside the outside. I usually just use staples to make it back into a box shape.
  • I usually let the kids color first, then I cut everything out. We've used watercolor, markers, and crayons. 

Full disclosure: it does take a little time to cut out the windows, doors, signs, etc, but it's also an excuse to listen to your favorite podcast while you snip away :) 

paper town illustrations

I hope that you enjoy making colorful paper houses with your kids. As always, I'd love to see if you do! Just use the hashtag #colorandkindness to share :)

Have a good one friends!






From A to Z: Letter K

Letter K: Color + Kindness

Bring out the Christmas tunes and twinkly lights (even if it is May!) because this lesson is all about how Jesus is our King. I love both the trueness and imagery of Jesus as our King--our great rescuer who brought us into the Kingdom of light. 

This week key verses is one of my favorite verses:

"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." Colossians 1:13-14 NLT

This letter K includes making paper crown (keep it simple or make it fancy!), reading the story of Jesus' birth, and acting out the animals in the stable. 

paper crown craft

ps. If you need some fun tunes for this lesson, tune into the Color + Kindness Kingdom of Light playlist (it's one of my favorites!). Or, of course, turn on the Christmas music just for fun :) 

Have a good one!




Science + Scripture: Freebies

Guess what? 


There are a number of activities, prints, and resources that I've recently retired from the shop. Sometimes you need to dust off the shelves to make room for some new things, right? However, they are not disappearing forever--I promise you'll see most of them again ;)

science verse prints

Today, I'm sharing one of my retired favorites: science + scripture 5x7 prints and some cute (although not scienticically accurate--ha!) play dough or craft mats. 

beaker and cell craft mat

They were some of my favorite to create and I hope you like them too. Ps. if you use them, be sure to tag #colorandkindness--I can't wait to see how you use them!

Have a good one, friends :) 


From A to Z: Letter J

Letter J Color + Kindness

I always feel like explaining the gospel to my kids should be easy, but honestly, I often find myself stumbling through it, over-explaining, and then feeling like simplicity and beauty of gospel (that we are separated from God because of our sin. YET! God loves us so much that He rescued and redeemed us!) gets lost in all my blubbering.


So, this lesson was a good one for me. It helped me walk through the gospel with my oldest in a visual and hands-on way. Of course, as a very literal child, he explained that our hearts are actually still red, not, that brought up the concept of our spirit vs our actual heart. 

Letter J is about how Jesus came to the world for you

Gospel color book

The craft in this lesson, although so simple, has been one of my favorites. It was fun to gather materials and make a Gospel color book (plus, it makes a great resource to go back and review what we learned). My hope is that as you read about Jesus' death and resurrection, make your book, and paint your letter J, you'll have many opportunities to share the gospel with your little ones.

If you want to add a good book to read during this lesson, I'd recommend The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross. You can read our review over here.

Have a good one!



From A to Z: Letter I


Letter I is about how we are made in God's image. As an adult, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this one! Yet, I think it's a core truth to know and remember--especially when teaching our little ones about respecting and valuing themselves and others. 


Our favorite part about this lesson was making homemade play dough. I've tried a lot of play dough recipes, but this one is my favorite. I've tweaked it and tried it many times--and I hope you like it as much as we do. My biggest loved watching the play dough form in the pan--going from a liquid to a sticky ball. It gave us a chance to talk about how God formed Adam and Eve and how He made them like him. After the dough had cooled, I brought out some peg dolls, rocks, and a plastic snake. Without prompting, Luke was making the "bad" tree, telling me bits about the story of Adam and Eve, and adding lots of interesting details ;)

LETTER I color + kindness

Letter I also includes reading the story of Adam and Eve, playing "mirror," and making a leaf-filled letter I. It's not part of the lesson, but drawing a self-portrait would be a fun activity this week too :) 


Here are some other resources you may enjoy (ps. some of these are affiliate links)

  • Read God's Very Good Idea. We love this book! Not only is the story wonderful, but the illustrations are delightful! Plus, it shares the gospel and how we are made to love God and love others.
  • Or pick up When God Made You (such a sweet book!)
  • Maybe instead of a fairy garden, you could make your own Garden of Eden. How fun would that be?

Have a good one!
