On the Bookshelf: An Easter Pick

As Easter nears, I'm on the hunt for quality stories that help bring the gospel story to life. Recently, I saw someone share the book The Garden, The Curtain, The Cross*, and I ordered it right away. I don't buy too many books (thanks to the library!), but I thought this one would make a lovely addition to our ever-growing library. 


When we got it, I fell in love with the illustrations (because Catalina Echeverri is such a wonderful illustrator!). I also loved the depth, and the fresh perspective, of the story. Even now, it's not often that I think about that huge curtain that loomed in the temple--a very literal separation of God and His people. For kiddos (and adults too!), the symbolism of the curtain tearing is a strong visual for understanding how Jesus' death and resurrection allows us access to God.

I think some of it was a bit over my 4-year-old's head, but the main idea was strong:

Sin separated us from God, BUT Jesus died on the cross and took our sin so that we can be with God again.

And that's really the most important thing, right?

Do you have any favorite books for Easter?


ps. Don't forget to download some free Easter prints + coloring pages to enjoy as we near Easter. 

Have a good one, friends!


*Affiliate links were used in this post. Learn more about that here.

From A to Z: Letter D

Letter D: From A to Z

Get ready for lots of roaring as you do letter D. It was just a tad loud in our house once my little lions took out their lion masks.


Letter D's big idea is God is our Deliverer. As we work through the letter D, we can talk to our kids about how God watches over us and saves us. Even though this week focuses on the story of Daniel, you can easily chat about how God delivers us from sin through Jesus' death and resurrection as well. 

Letter D: Color and Kindness

This lesson includes reading the story of Daniel in the lions' den, making lion masks (which were a big hit in our house), and doing lots of roaring (and also pretending we have quiet mouths like the lions in the den).

Lettter D: God is our Deliverer

Extra resources you may enjoy:


From A to Z: Letter C


This month, my oldest is taking swimming lessons for the first time. And he's already told me he's not going to go. And along with that declaration comes a jutted out chin and very dramatic arm-crossing. 

As a parent, I assure him that I'll be there and that it's okay to be nervous. I know that it's not so much that he doesn't want to go, it's that he's afraid of something new. 


So, I think the letter C is coming at a good time. Because the letter C's big idea is Be Courageous because God is with You. This lesson's verse is Joshua 1:9 (one you've probably heard before...)

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
— Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

But I think we can easily miss the part about why we can be brave, strong, and courageous. It's not because we just muster up our own strength; it's because God is with us wherever we go. As a momma, this is something I can talk a lot about with my kids as we walk through changes, tough moments, and times when they feel afraid or unsure.


This lesson includes making a paper armor, marching around "Jericho", and reading about Joshua. So, bring out the tin foil!

Other resources you may like (some of these are affiliate links--learn more about that here)




From A to Z: Letter B


Onto the next letter!

Letter B's Bible truth is Bear with One Another and Forgive Each Other. I don't know about you, but I definitely need this Bible truth as a daily reminder ;) 


This lesson includes making an adorable bear puppet, reading the story about Joseph, and giving great big bear hugs.

After we made our puppets, the puppet inspiration kept on coming and we soon had a band of puppets (robots, spiders, and tigers). Later, Luke declared they were all Joseph's brothers and we acted out some of the story. It did get a little interesting when the spider puppet turned into to Pharaoh--at least we are learning the main characters, right?


Go have fun! We'd love to see all your adorable bears or other fun ways you are using the pack, just tag us and use the hashtag #colorandkindness

-- Nicole




On the Bookshelf: Baby Wren and the Great Gift


Right now, my boys are out building snow castles and eating their fair share of dirty snow while I'm cozy inside with the sunshine and a bit of quiet (amen, right?) 

It's not quite spring here, but I am getting glimpses of it--the cold isn't so frigid, the birds are singing a bit more, and the snow is melting (for now) into mushy puddles. 

As the first day of spring approaches, I'm making a list of all the activities we can do and make once it gets a tad warmer: start seedlings for the garden, make little bird feeders, make mud pies, and take walks to the park. 

Since I have spring on my mind, when we went to the library last week, I picked up the sweetest little book that reminds me of spring. I had read the book before, so I was excited to bring it home and reread it again with the boys. 


Baby Wren and the Great Giftis a book by Sally Loyd-Jones about a little bird who is searching for her gift/place in the world. Finally, after meeting many other animals, she learns what her gift is. The writing is lyrical and has repeated verses (which helps build the story for kids) and the illustrations are so lovely and beautiful. This book is wonderful for talking about how God has made everyone (and everything) unique and with a purpose. 

Since it is almost spring (right?), maybe it is a good time to whip us some little bird feeders for all those sweet birds singing their songs. Or, in our case, give the squirrels something new to eat ;) 

DIY Bird feeder

You can download and print this cute little DIY bird feeder instructions if you'd like to make your own. Once I can hunt down a pinecone, we'll be making some for our little birdies too.

Happy Thursday, friends!



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